Anik Singal Presents 7 Funnels That Generate $30 Million
How To Craft a Big Idea (Step-By-Step) Featuring Ron Lynch ($2Billion Products Sold)
Jon Morrow Follow Up Webinar: Jon Talks about Dating, His Office Set up, and Making Millions
Jon Morrow shares tips that made him a millionaire even though he can’t move anything but his face. Lots of life lessons. This is epic. Watch and learn, folks!
Jon Morrow: 4 Tricks That Make Content Go Viral. Every Time.
You wrote a blog post, hit publish and waited for an hour but you only saw few views on the stats. You know your topic’s pretty interesting and your writing’s nice, but why can’t your post seem to go viral no matter what you do? What seems to be the problem? If you’re in this […]
Babak Azad Follow Up Webinar
This is Babak Azad’s follow-up webinar. For members only.
Nathan Jurewicz – How to craft the right message, to the right people.
They call him “Stickboy”… and even with his stand-out, leopard-print hair, Nathan’s delivery of powerful, useful information overshadows his Dennis Rodman-like persona… Watch as he shares his magical formula for writing winning, profitable offers that will change your life… I know that is a BIG PROMISE… especially for a 30-minute presentation from a guy who […]
Michael Drew -How to Effectively Get MORE Than a 10% Conversion Rate
When Michael Drew took the stage, he opened up with a line from the movie, “Fight Club”… and from there, he shows how if you are not converting at least 10% of your website visitors into customers, something is really wrong. And then he shows you the basic structure and form of how to begin […]
Chris Haddad -Learn Copywriting from Clickbanks No. 1 copywriter! (Did we mention he was on Rachael Ray? – The show… not the person.)
Mr. Moneyfingers earned his nickname as a world-class copywriter to the stars (he’s written copy for: Microsoft, T-Mobile, copywriting legend- David Garfinkle, Jeff Walker (of Product Launch Formula fame), Boardroom Publishing, as well as Vin DiCarlo (over $1 Million a month)). Watch in this compelling video as he distills his copywriting formula down to its […]
Roy Williams (AKA “The Wizard of Ads”) -How one of the top copywriters in the world makes subject lines with ONE tiny exercise (follow along)
I’m still in shock that we were able to coax “The Wizard of Ads” out of his 20-acre multi-million-dollar compound, filled with castles, meaningful sculptures, and luxurious dorms (built w donations from past students & clients) to speak on our stage. Watch him share secrets to engaging customers (his clients/students are Rolex, FatWallet, PRWeb, Alex […]
Jon Benson – If You Want To Know About Video Sales Letters. This guy invented them
Can’t tell you how many people refer to those “ugly text only video sales letters” as “Benson-style videos”. Well, here’s a hot video where Jon FIRST let the cat out of the bag… watch as he shares some subtle insider secrets to his success. CAUTION! Adult Language. (and LOTS OF IT… let’s put it this […]
Ryan Levesque – The Squeeze Page KILLER!
Squeeze pages are dead. Why? Ryan Levesque, the “Squeeze Page Killer” will let you know. (He’ll also tell you what’s replacing them so you can get ahead of the game!) BONUS: IMParty Founder David G Presents: “What you can learn from Zombies”
Justin Brooke – How To Make YOUR Product IRRESISTIBLE To The Masses!
Justin Brooke – (Traffic AND Conversion Samurai) … IF your product or service targets a NICHE market but you KNOW that you could be making LOTS more money IF you could target THE MASSES! And, if you have a website, product or service… and you are interested in growing your business by turning your offer […]
Neville Medhora: How To Improve Your Biz & Life with Kopywriting
Special Guest Speaker Neville Medhoraz (aka “Kopywriting King” of… He is also kind of a big deal over at the uber-successful team)… watch this video as he explains how he is going to give you his best FORMULAS for Kopywriting, and (no, it’s not misspelled, that is HIS special spelling which he explains […]
Clay Collins: If You Want Access to THE Largest Conversion Optimization Data Set in the World, Watch this…
Our San Diego guest speaker, Clay Collins: If You Want Access to THE Largest Conversion Optimization Data Set in the World, Watch this…
Brian Fanale: It Only Took 2 WORDS For This Ex-Bartender To Make 18 Million
Brian is going to reveal some of his most closely guarded secrets for how he and his team created high level processes that helped them build a huge and phenomenal powerhouse that continues to grow to this day.
Kevin Rogers: Learn to Create A $1M Headline In 60 Seconds or Less with The Copy Chief
Copywriting is a skill that everyone who is serious about selling online needs to have. And chances are you probably suck at copywriting. But even if you’re an amazing copwriter, you’re not as good as Kevin. Kevin Rogers, (AKA the “Copy Chief”), shares the “Power of Story” by breaking down the formulas he uses in […]
Rob Rammuny: From $0 to $300k in 90 Days using High Ticket Sales
When he was just 18 years young, Rob had already built his first 7 figure business. And as if that weren’t impressive enough, he sold products and services with prices as high as $50,000+. In this video Rob breaks down his 3 part sales funnel that he has used to generate millions in high ticket […]
Ryan Levesque: 5 Biggest Mistakes Crippling Your List Building Efforts
Ryan Levesque to give his take on generating the maximum amount of dollars from your business. He has generated millions online. And his most recent book “Ask” is changing the way online business are engaging with their customers through survey funnels. Learn about what you might be doing that is crippling your list building efforts and […]