Internet Marketing Party Speaker Information

Hey there!

If you made it here it’s because it’s probably because you’re going to be the speaker at the IMParty here pretty soon. We’re super excited to have you because we only invite badasses to the stage.

A couple things we need to do to get started before the event:

1. What’s your availability to shoot a 15-20 minute interview with David on Skype?

The sooner we can get this done the better.

The interview is designed to entice more folks to register for the party. In a perfect world, they’re fun, engaging, and most importantly provide high-quality information that’ll make viewers feel like they’d be dumb not to come meet you in person!

If you haven’t already you can add David on skype: mrdavidgonzalez. You can also schedule a time for the interview here:

Here are some examples of previous speaker interview views to get a feel for what they are all about:
Mike Filsaime:
Marlon Sanders:
Than Pham:
Nathan Latka:

2. We need you to read and “sign” the speaker agreement found here.

Read it over at your earliest convenience and then please send a confirmation email to David at the email listed on the page. It breaks down the guidelines for when your on the IMParty stage. You can find the reply directions on the page. It’s very brief, take a quick look.

3. Speaker Thinktank Topic

The infamous “IMParty Speaker ThinkTank” is our way of saying Thank YOU for sharing your wisdom with our audience.

What is it exactly? Well, first of all… it is entirely for your benefit.

You simply tell us what your biggest business challenge or opportunity is…

And David G (our intrepid founder) and the IMParty team will reach out to their network and find the most skilled, experienced individuals around the challenge you are facing, that can share their insights in a private group for between 1 to 3 hours, focusing on YOU and your biz.

So yeah, the group 100% focuses on helping you solve your biggest challenge for a few hours on the afternoon of the party.

We just need to know what the topic or challenge you’d most like help with.

4. Presentation Slides

Each speaker uses a PowerPoint/Keynote presentation during their talk.

Please note that we need to get this presentation at least 7 days before the event. The venue’s computer system can act up and we need a couple of days to get it over and have it uploaded properly into the venues video system.

A Powerpoint in Widescreen format works best. If your using keynote or an older version of powerpoint you will need to manually change the settings over to widescreen. If you’re using the newest version of powerpoint it’s already the default setting.

Use whatever font size you would like, but keep in mind this will be up on a screen above the speaker, so we suggest staying away from trying to cram lots of tiny words on the slide and keep the font large and the message simple.

The big things to stay away from are audio tracks or video clips inside the presentation. Keep in mind the powerpoint will be ran from the venues computer, so anything that requires downloading or accessing the internet before or during the presentation could be a major fail. The best thing to do it to keep it the format simple and the content amazing.

The Day of the Event

If you’re curious about what the schedule looks like for the actual day of the event, here is a quick breakdown:

Thursday Afternoon (1:30 – 4:00ish) – Starting in the early afternoon we will have a think tank specifically focused around you and your needs

After the Think Tank – we have some time to grab dinner and then head over to the event

Thursday Night (7:00pm – 10/11ish) Live Internet Marketing Party

-At the event the speaker (you) will go on stage around 8pm for up to 30 minutes

-Then the Party continues on into the night as people close out their tabs and head to the next bar…or bed, you’re choice.

As the day get’s closer we’ll send you over a full agenda with exact dates, times, and addresses for where to go and when to be there.

If You Have Any Questions…

If you run into any questions getting ready for the event, just let us know. The best person to contact for any questions is Brice. His email is brice (at) internetmarketingparty (dot) com. If he doesn’t know the answer to a question right away, he knows exactly how to find out.

Copyright © 2017 Internet Marketing Party™

Internet Marketing Party LLC - [email protected]

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