Featured Speaker : CHRIS WISER
12 Dec 06:30 PM

Featured Speaker : CHRIS WISER

ROMA [309 E 3rd St, Austin, TX]

Chris Wiser is the Founder and CEO of 7 Figure MSP™ , a company committed to providing top level business coaching and resources that move MSPs forward.

The vision of 7 Figure MSP™ is to provide valuable sales and marketing coaching and strategy, as well as help MSP business owners grow their company and secure their businesses longevity and success.

With a strong company culture of accountability, trust, and dedication, 7 Figure MSP™ provides responsive, comprehensive training to meet clients' current and future needs.

The 7 Figure MSP™ team expertise and service offerings are constantly evolving to provide clients with exceptional service, strategy, and coaching to help them scale to 7 figures and beyond

Featured Speaker : CHRIS WISER
12 Dec 06:30 PM

Featured Speaker : CHRIS WISER

ROMA [309 E 3rd St, Austin, TX]

Chris Wiser is the Founder and CEO of 7 Figure MSP™ , a company committed to providing top level business coaching and resources that move MSPs forward.

The vision of 7 Figure MSP™ is to provide valuable sales and marketing coaching and strategy, as well as help MSP business owners grow their company and secure their businesses longevity and success.

With a strong company culture of accountability, trust, and dedication, 7 Figure MSP™ provides responsive, comprehensive training to meet clients' current and future needs.

The 7 Figure MSP™ team expertise and service offerings are constantly evolving to provide clients with exceptional service, strategy, and coaching to help them scale to 7 figures and beyond


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